Guadalupe-Saldaña Net Zero Subdivision
GNDC is excited to introduce the Guadalupe-Saldaña Net Zero Subdivision. This is an innovative project that merges sustainable design and supportive social services with GNDC’s affordable rental and home ownership programs. The Subdivision is located near the intersections of Goodwin Avenue, Webberville Road, and Tillery Street and will ultimately provide one hundred and twenty five units of “super-green,” long-term affordable housing to the East Austin community. In fact, this subdivision has a “net zero” designation because sixty units have been designed to produce as much energy as they consume over the year resulting in a “net zero” energy bill. Fifty-eight units have been designated for home ownership to be sold in Community Land Trust transactions, thirty-two units will be rental units and thirty-five units have been developed as supportive and transitional rental housing in partnership with Jeremiah Program Austin. The project involves the collaboration of several non-profits, funding from public and private entities, the donation of solar arrays from Austin Energy, and support from the surrounding neighborhood residents and churches.
This project started in 2005 with the acquisition of seven acres at a tax foreclosure sale. The site was an illegal dumpsite that required environmental remediation and the removal of several tires, battery casings, and concrete debris. This formerly designated brownfield site is now comprised of eleven acres. Due to the unique site features of the eleven acres, a large portion of the site will be left undeveloped. Much of this open space houses a bio-filtration pond which assists with water quality management, walking trails, and general green space. Since 2017, 43 affordable rental units have been developed, including 35 supportive and transitional rental units for Jeremiah Program Austin participants. Eight of these units are fully accessible units. GNDC has developed and sold four historic homes relocated from the Rainey Street Historic District in a community land trust sale and has eight single family homes under construction and slated for community land trust sale in 2018.
Are you interested in our affordable community land trust home-ownership program at the Subdivision? Please review these guidelines: GNDC-AFFORDABLE-HOME-OWNERSHIP and complete this application: GNDC CLT HO application. Please submit a complete application and include evidence of a recent credit report with score.
Housing Construction Phase 1: 4 rental net-zero rental duplexes construction complete in September 2013
In 2012, GNDC received financing from the Austin Housing Finance Corporation and the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affair’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program to construct the first phase of housing at the Subdivision. In September of 2013, GNDC welcomed eight families as the development’s first residents in four newly constructed “net zero” duplexes. Four of the units are two-bedroom units reserved for single-parent households enrolled in the Jeremiah Program Austin. Four units are extremely affordable and fully accessible one-bedroom units.
Housing Construction Phase II: Four relocated Rainey Street homes sold in Community Land Trust sales in 2014-2015
GNDC has rehabilitated,remodeled, and sold four houses relocated from the Rainey Street Historic District to the Subdivision. GNDC rehabilitated and remodeled with sensitivity and appreciation for the historical quality of the homes. This project is unique because, not only will it use a community land trust to meet City of Austin goals for affordable housing, but it also incorporates historic preservation.
Housing Construction Phase III: Jeremiah Program Moody Campus 2016-2017
This innovative development includes thirty five 2-bedroom rental units set aside for low income single parent households enrolled in the Jeremiah Program Austin. The facility includes an accredited child development center, staff offices for Jeremiah Program Austin and GNDC.
Housing Construction Phase IV: Eight Community Land Trust Homes 2017-2018
In March and April of 2018, GNDC sold seven community land trust homes along Father Joe Znotas Street! These eight home sales included solar arrays that will make them net zero energy efficient.
In 2018, GNDC is partnering with Austin Habitat for Humanity for the construction and sale of four more single-family homes.
Check out this gallery of photos that chronicles the Subdivision’s progress to date including the groundbreaking, environmental clean-up, infrastructure improvements, and housing development to date. We have come a long way!