Apply for Housing
Guadalupe Saldana Net-Zero Duplexes
Apply for GNDC Rental Housing
Click below to fill out an application to be placed on the waiting list for GNDC’s rental housing and apartments.
(Please note that the waiting list for La Vista de Guadalupe is currently closed).
Apply online below:
For a hard copy of our application, click below to print/save and email to, or return the form to 813 E. 8th Street, Austin TX 78702.
Fillable/Printable PDF Application will open in a new window.
Homes on Father Joe Znotas Street
Apply for GNDC Homeownership
Click below to fill out an application to become a GNDC Homeowner in our Community Land Trust Housing Model.
Apply online below:
For a hard copy of our application, click below to print/save and email to, or return the form to 813 E. 8th Street, Austin TX 78702.
Fillable PDF Application will open in a new window.
Click below to learn more about GNDC’s affordable home ownership program and guidelines.
Please submit a current credit report, with score, to GNDC staff.